My Story
Kelly (she/her) is a RN + Doula, who is passionate about the transformational power of birth and gentle, connected parenting.
She supports parents to Heal trauma, Nourish and birth in their power - and Flourish, with great support and evidence based parenting/life coaching strategies.
If you have been seeking respectful care that individual , gentle and based on current best-practice, this is for you.
Kelly's Birthing Story
My lived birthing stories include an intervention heavy first birth in hospital, where I sustained birth trauma. My second birth was very influenced by by unhealed trauma - leading to dissociation and post-natal depression. Following these I regained my power and had 2 births in birthing centers, with minimal intervention. These restored my faith in my body and my birthing. With my 5th baby we planned a homebirth, but when there was no-one able to attend us we made the decision to drive 40 mins to the nearest hospital, and i birthed easily in a car-park. We lost a baby in-between and the learning here was to appreciate the delicate balance of life and death in birth.
Finally, with my sixth baby I leaned into my power. I experienced a beautiful, empowered homebirth, where my husband delivered our baby in our bedroom. He was born under my own stars, into his daddies arms - I had an oxytocin high that lasted a week, and milk that came in so fast!
Every Mama and every Whanau and every birth is unique. Yours is important and every person deserves to be witnessed in their power and to have their story heard. It's important to me that every Mama has the best information and love-based care when making choices about how, where and with who they will give birth, and parent.
Please note: I offer to attend births as I'm able, but I balance my availability alongside other commitments, and so this is limited to one per month. Please contact me early if you are seeking birth support.
Things about me you might like to know:
I'm a mama to 6 children (aged 16 - 4)
I am an RN and worked in Child Health for 16 years ( I no longer hold my APC as I don't work clinically).
I have had 2 hospital births, 2 birthing center births, 1 baby in a carpark, and a powerful, sexy, autonomous homebirth (hubby caught his baby boy).
I love reading research and staying current.
I have experienced the loss of a baby.
Certified Healing Birth Trauma Practitioner
Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) 2006
Postgrad Cert in primary health care specialty nursing
BFHI: Level 3 Advanced Breastfeeding Specialist
BFHI: Safe sleep (SUDI prevention, risk assessment and best practice recommendations)
DHB: Breastfeeding - A Maori world view and Advocating for Whanie Maori in our Maternity Systems
Spinning Babies Certified Practitioner

My Approach
The way we view birth and parenting can present a powerful invitation to grow exponentially - but is often missed or avoided due to fear, not having the recourses of support to lean into these powerful transitions with love and grace.
I've seen so many mums feel disconnected from their identify, and consequently they have decreased capacity for emotional regulation and their relationships that bear the brunt because they are emotionally burnt out.
I help mama's Heal, Nourish and Flourish.
A deep need to be connected to their bodies, their senses and their enjoyments of life in a sensual way they've forgotten. They were not supported to birth well - are feel their bodies have "failed" when they deserved better.
To heal birth trauma and Heal relationships with themselves, their child and their partner.
Let go of Shame and Fear and Anger that impacts of the way they do life, and how they parent.
Find balance and true joy in everyday circumstances ( HINT: it's not all fun, but it's so much more about your interpretation)
Amazingly, when we define, heal and resolve these truths, it opens space for breastfeeding, birthing, healing, sleeping, routine, physical concerns and relationships to shift their focus and become much more manageable.
If your finding you have a need for connection and clarity, booking into have coaching is possibly the best option for you. I know you have access to enormous amounts of information and you maybe have a few things that are on your mind that you can't quite find support to answer.
Signs you might be ready to find support:
If your feeling alone, finding yourself falling back on self-soothing behaviors and wondering what the future looks like, or just how to manage day to day life.
You'd like to learn some positive strategies to help you feel on top of life again.
You feel Angry, Sad or not really in the moment. Your wondering if you have PPD and/or what's wrong with you.
Together we can help you make sense of this space you in, and find meaning, fulfillment, and a deep sense of connection with your self, your children and partner.
I am passionate about encouraging woman to have all they need to make conscious choices, with great info and balanced understanding, so they feel their power to birth, mother and grow as people in true alignment.
As I no longer work in a medical capacity as an RN, I choose not to hold an APC. This means if, in our work, we encounter health-related concerns, I will refer you to other professional services, if they are outside my current scope of practice, as I may not have all the current information and oversight to support you. If you have questions about this please just ask.